Formaldehyde is used to make fabrics in permanent-press clothing and draperies. Consider washing permanent-press clothes and fabrics before you use them if you are sensitive to formaldehyde. Source: Formaldehyde Fact Sheet Aug 23, 2012 Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Want to prevent having to use pesticides in your home, follow these simple tips. a) Have everyone eat in the dining area, don’t walk around the house with food. b) Wipe up spills and crumbs right away. and c) Clean up dirty dishes right after eating. Source: US HUD’s ‘Help Yourself to a Healthy Home’
With regard to VOCs – remember BUD. BUY no more product than you need. USE up all the product you buy. If possible, give leftovers to a neighbor or community organization. DISPOSE of leftovers in a safe, responsible manner. Source:, ‘solutions for sustainable living’.
Your clothes dryer should always be vented outdoors, not into a garage, attic, or habitable space. The moist hot air from drying clothes left indoors can create ideal conditions for mold growth.