
Is your home’s indoor air unhealthy?

We usually think of air pollution as outdoors coming from a power plant or vehicle emissions,
but the air inside our home can be 2-5 times more unhealthy leading to allergies and asthma.
Here you will find resources to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ) and explore:

  • -   How does the air in my home become unhealthy? How will unhealthy air affect me?
  • -   How can I test to find out what indoor air quality problems may be in my home?
  • -   What are indoor allergy triggers? How can I make my indoor air healthier?
Join in and share your experiences. We all want to breathe easier and become healthier.

What ways do you improve indoor air quality? Here are some of our suggestions.

Check out the latest info on indoor air quality and why it could make you sick