Radon can be a silent killer!

The US EPA estimates that exposure to elevated levels of radon in our homes causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year in the US.  Of these deaths, about 2,900 happen to people who have never smoked. While the video below is a bit long at 12 minutes, it is an excellent introduction to radon. What is radon? How does it get into our homes? How does it lead to lung cancer? How one can easily and inexpensively test your home for radon? What you can do if radon levels are too high?

 In the video the case is made for everyone to test their home for radon, because elevated and unhealthy levels can be found in 1 out of every 15 homes, it is found in every state, and it is not just in homes with a basement. If you haven’t tested your home already why not get a radon test kit and find out if your family is living with unhealthy levels of radon. If radon levels in your home are high, there are steps that can be taken to lower them to safe levels. Take the first step to find your home’s radon number today!